The number of deaths resulting from exposure to asbestos has peaked according to statistics, however there may still be hidden asbestos dangers lurking in homes as well as commercial building and schools.
A type of lung cancer called mesothelioma can result from even low levels of exposure to asbestos fibres and in 2014 2,567 people died as a result of the disease. While most people are aware of the dangers of asbestos it can be unwittingly disturbed during renovation projects leading to fibres finding their way into the surrounding air.
The use of asbestos was banned in the UK in 1999 as a result of the risks, however this doesn’t mean that the risk is eliminated either now or in the future in older properties that have yet to be modernised.
While having asbestos in the home is ok if it is left undisturbed, the risk to health is acute when it is disturbed. The cost of having a professional remove the material safely, however, can be high and there will be significant disruption during removal works.
To avoid this, homeowners can opt for asbestos encapsulation which coats the asbestos preventing fibres from escaping. The process is cheaper and faster than removal and in most cases safer.