Home Insulation

Slate is an excellent option as it is 100% natural and requires very little energy to extract and process.

Households Offered Up To £7,600 Towards Energy Saving Improvements

Being ‘green’ doesn’t cost the earth as they say and it is about to cost a lot less now that households in the UK are being offered money for making energy efficient improvements to their homes and this includes home insulation.

The Green Deal fund has received an extra £100m in cash which will be made available for anyone who wants to make energy efficient changes to their property.

It is possible to apply for up to £7,600 towards the cost of anything from boilers to insulation and this will include £500 for those who have moved home within the last 12 months.

The fund is not means tested which is good news for people who may not have met the criteria for other state hand outs aimed at improving the energy efficiency of households.

The money will remain available until it runs out, so if you are planning to get your home insulated it would be wise to start the application sooner rather than later even though it will be November before it is revealed how people can apply.

The government has every incentive to offer households a cheaper way to insulate their homes with poor insulation responsible for wasting huge amounts of energy each year. Any reduction in energy usage is welcome given the government’s commitment to reducing CO2 emissions.

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The History of Home Insulation

Exactly where did modern insulation evolve from? Although it’s doubtful this burning question keeps you awake at night, there is a very interesting story behind insulation and how the UK could benefit if every home invested in this vital, energy saving product. Have a look at this infographic for a walk through history. And if you would like to know more about how you can keep your home warmer, cooler and more energy efficient, call Metropolitan Insulation today.

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Insulating Your Home in the Summer

When thinking of insulation, people tend to think of how it is so important in keeping your house warm in the winter months. But keeping your home cool in summer months is just as important, particularly with the unusually warm temperatures currently being experienced across the UK. There are other things you can do that will contribute to a cooler home. Monitoring your energy usage will not only keep you comfortably cool when there is a heatwave, but it will also save you money. Here are a few simple tips to conserve energy:

These mod-cons are also the biggest consumers of your total energy. A few ways to trim the excess usage with your regularly utilised appliances include using the cold water setting on the washing machine. And why not use the sunny days to line-dry the washing outside? Hand washing your dishes as soon as they are used will not only ensure everything is clean when you need it, but it will save you a bundle on your energy bill. Large appliances produce significant heat when in use, so the less you use them the cooler your home will be.

A very simple way to keep your house cool is to keep blinds and curtains closed in the day time. We all want to let the sunshine flood our homes, but this actually heats up your house. Keeping the sun out avoids the use of fans and air conditioning.

Air Conditioning
It’s more efficient to turn your air con on and off for short intervals rather running it at a steady temperature. In the interim, you can use fans to move the cooler air around the house if you don’t have central heating/cooling. Be sure you maintain your unit for peak efficiency.

Your oven has one job-to make your food hot. The same goes for its effect on your home. Using a microwave is more energy efficient than the oven without emitting nearly as much heat.

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